To better educate the community on the importance of cybersecurity, we’ve compiled a list of the most common security threats and provided tips on how to prevent them. By understanding these threats and implementing best practices, individuals and organizations can help protect their sensitive information and maintain their online security. At Infonaligy, we take cybersecurity…
Differences Between Vulnerability Assessments & Security Checkups
Are you confused about the differences between a security checkup and a vulnerability assessment? You’re not alone. In this article, we’ll explain the key differences between the two, and when each is appropriate. Security Checkup A security checkup is a comprehensive evaluation of your organization’s security posture. It typically involves reviewing your security policies, procedures,…
LastPass hack: Info on securing passwords
In March 2021, LastPass, one of the most popular password managers, announced that it had suffered a security breach. The company stated that no sensitive user data was compromised, but the incident still raises concerns about the security of password management tools. As a business owner or individual, it’s essential to ensure that your passwords…
Protect Your Business: Why Every Company in Dallas Should Get a Security Checkup with Infonaligy
In today’s digital age, businesses are becoming increasingly reliant on technology to operate. From storing customer data to managing financial records, technology plays a crucial role in the success of a business. However, with the increased reliance on technology comes an increased risk of cyber attacks. This is where Infonaligy comes in, providing security checkups…
Cyber Incident Prevention Best Practices for Small Businesses
As a small business owner, you may think you are “too small” to be the target of cybercrime because you aren’t a large, multimillion-dollar company. However, this couldn’t be further from the truth. Although the media mainly focuses on attacks on big businesses, small businesses are low-hanging fruit for cybercriminals. Cybercriminals know that small businesses…
What is Organizational Agility?
It’s hard to predict the future. Just think of all that has happened in the world in two years. From the COVID-19 pandemic to supply chain issues to inflation and war, no one could have predicted these events early enough to be adequately prepared. These challenges make it more difficult for companies to succeed and…
12 Password Best Practices
With the business world heavily reliant on digitalization currently, the use of technology in your organization is unavoidable. However, although technology can undeniably give your business an advantage in increasingly competitive markets, there are many troublesome areas to keep an eye on. Therefore, interest in cybersecurity has risen in recent years. Password protection is the…
Aligning People, Processes, and Technology to Scale
Your company operates in a turbulent business environment where new technologies are reshaping industries, customer preferences are evolving rapidly, and geopolitical equations are shifting dramatically. If you’re struggling to adapt to these quick and challenging transitions, you’re not alone. To tackle these issues as soon as possible, some corporate executives’ resort to quick fixes that…
Why Your Business Needs a Data Security Policy
Today, the competitive business environment is data-driven. Data provides key insights into your customers and business performance that helps you make better decisions and improve processes. However, the sudden influx of remote employees exposes your organization’s information to several security threats. According to the FBI, cybersecurity complaints increased from 1,000 to 4,000 daily during the…
How to Become a Resilient Organization
The last year and a half have taught us that the world can experience a tremendous change in a short time. Whether it’s rapid technological advancements, cyberattacks, stalling economies, or even a global pandemic, only resilient organizations can weather these storms. That’s why the concept of organizational resilience is now more relevant than ever before….